PASSAGES was a huge hit with almost 60 of our incoming 6th grade girls! Ms. Jones, Ms. Kimbrough and Ms. Parker had a FANTASTIC time working with these students! They spent four days of this past week learning all about life in middle school.
Some of their activities centered around getting organized for the new school year. They also talked about how to make new friends and what to expect on those first few days of school. There is no doubt that these students are incredibly well prepared for the first day of school!
One of the funniest activities was when the participants took a tour of the school and learned where the principal's office was located. We decided that everyone needed to see the inside of the office, so we decided to see if we could fit the almost 60 participants in my office at the same time! As it turns out you can fit that many 6th grade girls in my office! The picture above was taken by Mr. Hafner to document that we really did fit everyone inside!
I continue to grow excited about the opening of school! The teachers come back on Monday! I will post something about their activities next week. Hopefully, they won't try to all fit in my office at the same time!