Thursday, May 29, 2008

Spring Celebration Activities

During the last few weeks we have been busy hosting a series of 'Spring Celebration' activities.  We began several weeks ago with our 6th grade students and we ended this evening with a special selection of our 7th and 8th grade students.  These activities have allowed us an opportunity to update parents on the program decisions which have been made during the time since magnet applications were due.  More importantly, it has been a great opportunity for students to get to know their classmates for the upcoming school year.

We continue to be excited about the staff who will be joining us!  We have truly been overwhelmed with the teacher applications for this program.  At this point we have hired all but two of our teaching positions.  I continue to be excited about the middle school teaching teams which are being created for our incoming students!  

During our 'Spring Celebrations' many parents indicated that they wanted to be involved with our PTSA during this coming school year.  We have set up a meeting for next Tuesday, June 3rd at 5:30 p.m.  This will be a great opportunity for our PTSA to set their goals for this coming school year!  Ms. Sara Bravo, Curriculum Director, has sent out invitations via email to all parents who indicated an interest in being a part of this parent group.

As our students transition into summer activities I ask that all parents encourage their children to read a minimum of thirty minutes each day.  At Julia Landon each student is required to complete two summer reading books.  Please see the link from our home page for additional information on this item.  Many parents have called asking what other books we would recommend for students to read over the summer.  We have now posted a recommended reading list for students to work from after they have completed their required summer reading books.

I hope everyone has a great last few days of school!  It is hard to believe, but in just a few months we will all be opening Julia Landon for the 2008 - 2009 school year!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Leadership In Our Community Begins Now!

Leadership within the community will be the major theme embedded within the 7th grade gifted and academically talented coursework for our new magnet program during the 2008 - 2009 school year. Michael Alexander, one of our assistant principals, has gotten a jump start on these theme by giving back to our community during several recent literacy events!

The first event which Mr. Alexander participated in was 'Real Men Read'. This event is hosted by Spring Park Elementary School each year. The purpose of this event is to bring in male leaders from our community to model the notion of lifelong literacy to the students who attend Spring Park. Mr. Alexander had the privilege of reading a book about recognizing colors with a group of Pre-K students. The picture above was taken while he was participating in this event.

Mr. Alexander also participated in a reading program entitled 'Celebrity Readers' at Paxon Middle School. During this event he read an autobiography of Jay Z to a group of 8th grade students. Mr. Alexander used this book to illustrate how Jay Z grew up in a challenging environment and has now established himself as an entrepreneur.

Mr. Alexander's participation in these activities just goes to show how 'Leadership In Our Community' is already becoming a central part of our work at Julia Landon College Preparatory and Leadership Development School!